
Air Dryers
TXK Series
Research indicates that many customers want reliability and dry compressed air at an affordable price, No fancy bells and whistles-just dry air, pure and simple. The TXK series non-cycling dryers were designed to meet these demands.
*Static condenser with no cooling fan.
*Perfect application for indoor installation such as hospital and laboratory
*Robust design and compact size
*Unique refrigeration control system
*Energy saving through waste heat recovery
*Excellent dew point performance under all conditions

Air Dryers
HXK Series 75~600 scfm
The HXK series utilizes advanced heat exchanger, separation and refrigeration technology. It's a revolutionary that uses an innovative, simplified and refrigeration circuit to provide dependable operation, low operating cost and versatile installation. Performers in rated conditions of 75 to 600scfm.
*3-in-1 stainless steel brazed plate heat exchanger with integral separator ensures
*Optimal dew point performance under all conditions
*Compact design uses 40% less floor space
*Low pressure drop reduces operating costs
*User friendly controller
*Reliable timed electric drain with push-to-test button on the front panel
*Electro-galvanized steel cabinet with two part epoxy coating
*Environmentally friendly R-134a and R-407C refrigerants
*No loss drain valve (Optional)
Integral Heat Exchanger
*One-pass structure, brazed plate heat exchanger
*Stainless steel plate, No rust water and corrosion
*Integral structure : Air to air heat exchanger, evaporator & moisture separator
*CSA hydrostatic test, CAGI ADF100 test passed

Air Dryers
HXK Series 800~3000 scfm
The HXK series, built-in with our highly advance stainless steel plate heat exchanger, deters refrigeration load with great efficiency of heat-exchanging. Saving in electrical power and convenient in maintenance are its unique feature.
*Stainless steel heat exchanger
*Easy to install package save time
*Automatically adapts to system needs
*Fully automatic operation save money
*Every unit comes pre-assembled with quality components
*User friendly controller
*Reliable timed electric drain with push-to-test button on the front panel
*Electro-galvanized steel cabinet with two part epoxy coating
*Environmentally friendly R-134a and R-407C refrigerants
*No loss drain valve (Optional)
System Control Monitor II [SCM II - Optional]
*LCD main window displays
*LCD monitor displays
*Membrane touch panel
*Programmable timer drain settings

Desiccant Air Dryers
PSK Series
This newest generation of heatless desiccant compressed air dryers are designed and built with confidence to offer the compressed air user the highest reliability in the industry. Key to reliability of the PSK Series dryer is the proprietary air flow switching valve. Based on it superior design and proven performance this shuttle valve is covered lifetime replacement warranty.
*Highest Reliability
*Minimal Maintenance
*Operating Economy
*Vessels are constructed to meet the requirements of ASME code, Section VIII, Division1 stamped

Desiccant Air
Dryers Heatless
HLK Series
HLK Series presents traditional heatless drying technology. Using a simple timer based controller, these are designed to deliver maximum value to applications that operate at-or-near full capacity. Automatic time controller bed regeneration cycles offer consistent performance and economy of purchase.
*Consistent outlet pressure dew points
Large desiccant beds produce, -40℃ pressure dew point
*Minimum purge air usage-saving the heat of adsorption maximizes the moisture holding capacity of the purge air, minimizing the amount required.
*Long desiccant life-beds sized to prevent fluidization plus slow and complete regeneration prevent desiccant movement and deterioration
*Heavy duty purge exhaust muffler for quiet operation
*Non-lubricated, soft seated control valves
*Stainless steel support screens and air diffusers-filters out gross contaminants, protects valves
*Furnished in cabinet for easy wall mounting completely assembled, piped and wired shipped with full charge of desiccant only hook-up of utilities is needed to operate
*Vessels are constructed to meet the requirements of ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1 and stamped (55scfm larger)

Desiccant Air Dryers
External Heated
HRE Series
The HRE Series desiccant dryers are designed and built for plant & instrument air application where the lower purge consumption is required. HRE Series dryers are using the small portion of purge air heated by external heater for regeneration. Jemaco guarantees that HRE Series dryers will produce the design -40℃ PDP (standard) or -73℃ PDP (optional) while operating continuously at maximum rated flow (100% duty cycle)
*Low watt density heater
*High performance butterfly valves
*Vessels are constructed to meet the requirements of ASME code, Section VIII, Division1 stamped
*Energy saving control system is optional
*PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

Desiccant Air Dryers
Blower Purge
JBP Series
As the air compressor is the most costly system component to purchase and, it uses more electrical energy than the rest of the system combined, it is wise to ensure that the smallest air compressor is installed. JBP Series dryers are 100% efficient at delivering full supply-side compressor capacity. Therefore, users benefit from the ability to purchase a less expensive air compressor and, a 20% reduction in compressor operating costs.
*Soft-seated check valves for tight shutoff and durability
*Vessels filled with extra, industrial-grade activated alumina to deliver superior performance
*Low-watt density heater saves energy and prevents premature desiccant aging
*High performance butterfly valves control the flow of air though the vessels
*High quality pressure gauges display and purge pressure
*Function indicator Graphic Control Panel
*Easy-view text display is visible under any condition
*NEMA 4 Construction
*Quiet, energy efficient, high-capacity blowers
*Energy saving control system
*PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)