
Analog Input Repeater Power Supplies
D1010D : 2Ch, 0/4-20 mA TX Repeater Power Supply or Signal Duplicator, SIL 3
The D1010D provides two fully floating dc supply for energizing two conventional 2-wire 4-20 mA Transmitter or separately powered 3/4-wire 4-20/0-20 mA transmitters located in Hazardous Location, and repeats the current in floating circuit to drive two independent Safe Area Load.
The unit can also be used to duplicate a signal (one input two independent outputs).The Circuit allows bi-directional communication signals, for Hart/Smart Transmitters.

Digital Input Switch/ Proximity Repeaters
D1030D : 2 Ch, DC Power Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater, Relay Out.
The D1030D isolates and repeat two contacts or two proximity detectors in Hazardous Location providing two independent SPDT Relay Outputs to drive Safe Area Loads.
The unit can be configured for NO/NC contact or proximity detector input and for NE or ND relay output.

Digital Output Drivers
D1045Y : 2 Ch, Digital Output Loop / Bus Powered
The D1045 is a dual channel, actuated in alternative, DIN Rail Digital Output module enabling a Safe Area contact, logic level or drive signal, to control a device in Hazardous Area, providing 3 port isolation (input/output/supply).
Typical applications include driving visual or audible alarms to alert a plant operator or driving a solenoid valve or other process control devices.
It can also be used as a controllable supply to power measuring or process control equipments in Hazardous Area.

Temperature Signal Converter
D1072D : 2 Ch, Temperature Signal Converter, Duplicator, Selector, Adder, Subtracter, SIL 2
The D1072D converts two mV, RTD, TC, inputs from temperature sensors or from Transmitting Potentiometers located in Hazardous Location and repeats with isolation, the two isolated signals to drive two independent Safe Area loads. Output Signals can be direct, duplicated, the sum or the difference of the two inputs, or the higher-lower selection of the two inputs. Automatic or manual Cold Junction or Line Resistance compensation are standard. All settings are easily programmable via software.
Approved for Div. 2 installation

Power Supplies
PSD1000 : Universal AC input 24V-500mA Switching Power Supply.
The PSD1000 provides an isolated (2.5KV) output to supply a limited number of D1000 Series units or other 24 Vdc devices. Supply fault detection relay is a standard feature. The output is protected from overload (current or thermal) and short circuit proof. The output is diode protected and can be parallel connected to connect multiple power supply (redundant output) or to increase the output power.

Adapter or Portable Configurator
PPC1090 : Pocket Portable Configurator for D105* D106* D107*
Pocket Portable Configurator

Analog Input Repeater Power Supplies
D1014D : 2 Ch, High integrity 4-20 mA TX Repeater Power Supply, SIL 3
The D1014D provides two fully floating completely independent dc supply for energizing two conventional 2-wire 4-20mA Transmitters located in Hazardous Location, and repeats the current in floating circuits to drive two fully independent Safe Area loads. Suitable for application requiring SIL 3 level (according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511).
The circuit allows bi-directional communication signals for Hart Transmitters; the two channels are totally independent and do not have any common parts.

Digital Input Switch/ Proximity Repeaters
D1130D : 2 Ch, AC Powered Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater. Relay Out.
The Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater type D1130 is a DIN Rail unit with one or two independent channels.
D1130D dual channel type has two independent input channels and actuates the corresponding output relay. Two actuation modes can be independently DIP switch configured on each input channel: NO In/NE relay or NO In/ND relay.

Digital Output Drivers
D1046Y : 2 Ch, Digital Output Loop / Bus Powered
The D1046 is a dual channel, actuated in alternative, DIN Rail Digital Output module enabling a Safe Area contact, logic level or drive signal, to control a device in Hazardous Area, providing 3 port isolation (input/output/supply).
Typical applications include driving visual or audible alarms to alert a plant operator or driving a solenoid valve or other process control devices.
It can also be used as a controllable supply to power measuring or process control equipments in Hazardous Area.

Safety Relays
D1093S : 1 Ch, Relay Output Module for NE and ND loads with diagnostics, SIL 3
The single channel DIN Rail Relay Output D1093S is a relay module suitable for the switching of safety related circuits, up to SIL 3 level according to IEC61508, for high risk industries. It provides isolation between the input and output contact. D1093S provides 1 DPST contact for normally energized loads and 1 SPST contact for normally de-energized loads.

Power Supplies
PSD1001 : Quad Channel 15V-20mA Intrinsically Safe Power Supply, SIL 3
The PSD1001 has four isolated (1.5KV) channels to drive measuring or process control equipments in Hazardous Location. The typical application is to drive 4-20mA 2-wire transmitters with local indication (no repetition of current in Safe Area) or just field mounted indicators. Output channels can be paralleled when more power is required. Approved for Div. 2 installation.

Adapter or Portable Configurator
PPC1092 : D1000 Series Serial Adapter Configurator.
The PPC1092 is required to easily program via RS-232 line, using the free available software, all the D1000 Series modules that allow for software configuration. Typical configuration parameters are: Input sensors type, Input-Output ranges, Burnout condition, High/Low alarm mode, Alarm trip point, Alarm delay, Alarm dead-band, NE/ND relay condition.